Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What day is it?!

Uh oh... what day is it?!!!

Whoop Whoop!!

Not only is it HUMP DAAAYY! But it is also the start of Beachbody's Black Friday deals!! 
These deals start today and go through Monday, December 2nd.
Check out all this goodness! 

And these are only some of the deals
You can check them all out right here.
You must approach this with some haste because they are expected to sell out of most if not all!

I think this is a great way to get a jump start on your new years resolution! 
Don't get stuck in the over crowded gym again this January.

If you would like me to coach you through your fitness journey please email me.
We can figure out what is best for you and get a head start on your health for 2014! 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Purposeful Life?

Lately I have been in a rut. I have been on edge, tired, bored and just plain not feeling like myself. I feel like there is more out there for me but I am not sure what it is yet. I have felt that way for a while and now I am to the point where I am just unhappy of where my life is at this moment.

I feel like I have been waiting forever for that opportunity that would fill my life with purpose. Yes, I said waiting…. That is precisely why I am still stuck. I have been waiting for someone else to give my life purpose when I am the only one that can create that.

I want to make a difference in people’s lives. I want to have something to look forward to each day. I want to wake up with a smile every morning.

I thought that the only way to provide meaning was to lose a little weight and then I would be happy and things would turn around. I have finally come to realize that that will not make me happy.

I am not in the right mindset to even really work on losing that little bit of weight that I want. The success of your journey in life is completely mental. You have to be in the right mindset to succeed.

I try all the time to make my health a priority but something always comes up… always. And I realized yesterday that I need to make my mental state a priority first. (ha! That makes me sound a wee bit insane… my mental state)

I just know that if I want to succeed in my career, my relationships, my life… I HAVE to take care of myself. I HAVE to be priority numero uno! I just have to be.

It’s about time I get out of my own way!

I know that I am capable of great things. I know that I can achieve anything I want. Yet, I sit here and watch everyone else get and do what I want. I am the only one to blame for that.

Risk is scary but that is the only thing that will get you where you want. Sitting in your comfort zone may be all nice and cozy but you are missing out!! I am missing out! And I am sick of it.

I am beginning by working on my mental state. I am working on feeling better about me before I try to make all sorts of drastic changes. Those changes will never stick if I don’t love me first.

I have begun meditating again. It is a great way for me to focus on myself. Does anyone else meditate?

How do you take care of yourself? 


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What Does Healthy Living Mean to You?

Healthy living can mean a lot of different things to different people.

Some may view it as exercise only, to others nutrition is more important, while still others view it as a complete mind, body, and soul connection.

For a long time, to me, healthy living just meant that I exercised regularly. I never paid much attention to my diet because, well… I didn't eat that bad. Or so I thought.

You ever heard, “You can’t out exercise a bad diet?” I have many times but it never really clicked because I was different. Aren't we all? We seem to have this mentality that other people’s misfortune, pitfalls, or short comings could never affect us. I mean, I’m perfect, right?

That mentality has set me up for failure, but I am finally understanding the meaning of “healthy living.”

I know that it is not….

Being skinny
Depriving myself of food
Exercising crazy amounts to burn off that cheeseburger
Fitting into a size 4 jeans
Beating myself up for eating that cookie or missing a workout
Telling myself I can’t achieve my health goals
Eating very little during the day and binging at dinner

I know that it is….

Fueling my body with foods like lean meats, fruits, veggies
Eating up to 6 small meals a day
Being content with my jean size
Living life and enjoying a cookie here or there
Reminding myself all the good things I possess
Following a regular exercise program, 30 minutes is enough

I truly believe that healthy living is a balance between your mind and body. Living healthy requires a lot of mental strength.

Currently, I am struggling with some things on the list of what I know healthy living is NOT. I believe we all do from time to time.  But I am human… I have my good days and my bad days. The important thing is that I recognize what I am doing and I am working towards making changes toward the better.

My main struggle right now is fueling my body with nutritious foods. There are times when I do pretty good and others when I am completely derailed. I have so many excuses from I’m too tired, I’m in a hurry, I don’t want to go to the grocery store or I don’t want to cook. EXCUSES.

Those excuses have made me very miserable. And I only have myself to blame.
But I am done with beating myself up about it. I am making that change. I am changing my actions to match my belief. Because right now they are inconsistent and it just seems to be creating chaos in my life.

I am ready to make a change. Are YOU?

I will be starting a clean eating challenge and I will be supplying all the meal plans and recipes. If anyone is interested please contact me.


Monday, November 18, 2013

Sweet Potato Veggie Burgers

So I have had this recipe for the sweet potato veggie burgers pinned on Pinterest for some time now. I almost always am looking for my lunches to bring to work from my food board. So I see the picture for it on a weekly basis. Well.... I finally made them tonight!

These puppies were delicious! It took me awhile to make them because I was also trying to make my lunches for the week but in general they wouldn't take very long to make. I also baked them instead of pan frying them but you can do either.  Here is the recipe.....

Sweet Potato Veggie Burgers
makes 7-8 large patties

2 cans cannellini white beans, drained
1 large sweet potato, baked/peeled/mashed (about 2 cups)
2 Tbsp tahini
2 tsp maple or agave syrup
1 tsp lemon pepper seasoning OR Cajun seasoning (or another fave spice!)
1/4 cup wheat flour
optional: additional seasoning (whatever you have on hand - I used a few dashes cayenne, black pepper and a scoop of nutritional yeast)
salt to taste if needed

plentiful Panko crumbs
safflower oil for pan

burgers: avocado, Dijon mustard, grain buns, romaine, onion, olive oil, pepper


1. Bake sweet potato. Peel, place in large mixing bowl.
2. Add drained beans to mixing bowl. Mash beans and potato together.
3. Mash in seasoning, flour and any additional seasoning. Your mixture will be quite soft and moist. But you should be able to form a patty. Add more flour or a scoop of breadcrumbs - or dry rice to thicken the mixture if needed.
4. Heat 1 Tbsp safflower oil in a pan over high heat.
5. Form a patty from mixture and coat in Panko crumbs. Thick coating. Then drop the patty in the pan. Repeat until the pan is filled. Cook until browned on both sides. You could also bake. If baking, use less Panko.
6. Transfer cooked patties to paper towel. Cool for a few minutes.
7. Serve on toasted bun with lotsa toppings.

As mentioned above, I baked mine instead of pan frying. I baked them at 425° for 10 minutes then flipped them, then baked for another 7 minutes then broiled them on high for 2 to 3 minutes. You really have to watch them when you turn the broiler on. I did that to make them that much crispier! 

Let me know what you think!

You can find the recipe on this blog.


50 Reasons to Exercise #MotivationMonday

1.     Lifts your mood
2.  Improves your learning abilities
3. Builds self-esteem
4.  Keeps you brain fit
5.  Keeps your body fit & able
6.  Boosts mental health
7.  Boosts your immune system
8.  Reduces stress
9.Makes you feel happier
10. Has anti-aging affects
11. Improves skin tone and color
12.   Improves sleeping patterns
13. Helps prevent strokes
14. Improves joint function
15. Improves muscle strength
16.  Alleviates anxiety
17. Sharpens memory
18. Helps to control addictions
19. Boosts productivity
20. Boosts creative thinking
21.  Improves body image
22. Gives you confidence
23. Helps you keep focused in life
24. Improves eating habits
25. Increases longevity
26. Strengthens your bones
27. Strengthens your heart
28. Improves posture
29. Prevents colds
30. Improves appetite
31.   Improve cholesterol levels
32. Lowers risk of (certain) cancers
33. Lowers high blood pressure
34. Lowers risk of diabetes
35. Fights dementia
36. Ease back pain
37. Decreases osteoporosis risk
38. Reduces feelings of depression
39. Prevents muscle loss
40.  Increases energy and endurance
41. Increases sports performance
42. Increases pain resistance
43. Improves balance & coordination
44. Improves oxygen supply to cells
45. Improves concentration
46.  Helps with self-control
47. Lessens fatigue
48. Increase sex drive & satisfaction
49.  Makes life more exciting
50. Improves Quality of Life

What are your reasons to exercise?


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November Beachbody Promotion

Each month Beachbody does a promotion on their products and as an Independent Beachbody Coach I get to share them with you! Yay! Who doesn’t love a good promotion?! This girl is all about it!

November’s promotion is called “Give and Receive.” There are 2 parts to this promotion… First, new and existing customers as well as new coaches will get a $20 coupon to use toward a future purchase when they purchase a challenge pack in the month of November. Second, Beachbody has partnered with Feeding America, the nation’s leading domestic hunger-relief charity. With each challenge pack that is sold, Beachbody donates $20 to Feeding America! Wow! They really are experts on the season of giving, aren’t they?!

So what do you get in a challenge pack, you ask?
  • Fitness program of your choice
  • One of five delicious Shakeology flavors
  • FREE 30-day trial membership to Team Beachbody Club
  • Your own personal coach – the one and only ME!
Challenge packs really are a steal of a deal and you can save up to $68 compared to buying the products separately!

Now, I hope I haven’t lost you yet…. I know that this sounds like a huge pitch about “BUY FROM ME!” But it’s not, I promise you. I personally have purchased a challenge pack and absolutely love them. I 100% believe in what Beachbody is doing to End The Trend of obesity.

I am by no means perfect when it comes to all this health and nutrition stuff but Beachbody has stumbled upon an amazing formula that works. I have seen it time and time again. So what are you waiting for? I will be there to help you along the way!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me!
