Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Just a little recap...

I have the privilege of working for a really great company.  They host Run or Dye - The World's Most Colorful 5k!

I have worked for this company since this past August and I got the chance to go to my second race this weekend in Arlington, TX. It was not the most pleasant experience because we had some things working against us. But the important thing was that the race was a success and the participants had a good time!

It was surprisingly cold. It was 37 degrees and windy. The wind made it miserable... But we made it through alive! :)

I really do love my job and am very grateful for it. Here are some pics from the weekend....

Gorgeous view from the airplane

Life on the road
Setting up the course

They are ready to run!

Mason had to send me pictures of all my children (the tiny one is our foster baby) because I missed them so much!

One of my best friends had her 2nd baby over the weekend too. I headed straight to the hospital to see him when I got back. I snuggled him for a good hour in that chair! So precious!!

Mason got to hold him right after he was born. Nothing sexier than a man holding a newborn baby!

Then.... Monday rolled around and Santa visited our office ;) 

How was your weekend?? Any holiday parties or shenanigans in general??

Only a week until Christmas!! :-D

Friday, December 6, 2013


Sometimes I feel down. Sometimes I feel stuck. Sometimes I feel desperate. Sometimes I just need to cry to someone. Sometimes I don’t know where to turn.

Life doesn’t always seem to deal me the easiest deck of cards.

I don’t always know how to handle what is given to me.

I get frustrated. Scared. Mad.

I shut myself off from those I love because, for some reason, I get this thought in my head that they don’t want to hear what I am going through.

And just when I am ready to call it quits someone pulls me up. They pick me back up, dust me off, smile and tell me, “I’m here.”   Hugging me with no intention of letting go.

Those angels are my sisters, Kimie and Sar.

These two amazing women have seen me at my best; at my worst…. Yet they never cease to love me, to be there for me.  No matter if they agree or not with my decisions, they never pass judgment.

One of them always seems to know when I need them. It is a crazy thing.

Today, I was thinking about Kimie and how I wanted to call her but I had decided I would do it later.  About an hour later she called me.

She let me vent to her and she said, “Meg, I don’t have all the answers either but you have to keep moving forward.”

But the thing that she didn’t understand was that I wasn’t looking for answers from her…. all I needed was what she was already doing… listening.

Simply listening to what I have to say is some of the best medicine in my book.

I remember when Sar told me, “Meg, I’m your sister. I love you. I want you to come to me when you are down.”

It’s really nice to know that I have them to turn to whenever I need someone.

I love these two more than they will ever know.

God sure blessed me with bestest of friends ever. 


Monday, December 2, 2013

The Truly Inspiring Scottie Hobbs #MotivationMonday

Happy Motivation Monday my friends! I hope everyone had a Happy Turkey Day! I know I did!

I spent it with my boyfriend’s family this year. His mama sure can cook! I actually got to try out a fried turkey! Which the bf himself made. Pretty darn tasty! But glad I don’t eat that way every day.

So in the spirit of Motivation Monday, I want to share a truly inspiring story of a fellow Beachbody coach, Scottie Hobbs. He has an amazing fitness transformation, so I asked him if I could share it with all of you! 

When Scottie got married he found that other things started to become more of a priority in his life than his own health. He had a growing family and worked 12-15 hour days… causing him to gain weight. But he didn't pay much attention to it. He was always exhausted and had no energy to do the things he used to love doing like playing in his band.

In May 2010 he had a, what I like to call, “a-ha” moment. He was lying on the couch while his wife was in the other room doing her P90X workout. After, she began running up and down the stairs. She had so much energy and he was completely exhausted from “living life.” That is the moment he decided to take control of his life again. He wanted to be a dad that had the energy to keep up with his family.

Scottie jumped on the P90X band wagon. Not an easy wagon!  Not only did he set the goal of completing that program but he set a goal of running 100 miles each month! He was sick and tired of being sick and tired. He wanted change and he knew that the only way to achieve it was to commit fully.

In his own words, “When I decide to do something, I give it everything I have. The key to my success was my personal belief in what I was doing and that I could achieve my goal of getting ‘ripped.’”  
He gave 100% and achieved those goals.

His transformation inspired him to become a Beachbody coach to help others realize their dreams. He is a true inspiration to me and countless others.

Thanks Scottie for your kindness of letting me share your story. I admire and look up to you!

Transformations like Scottie’s are possible for anyone. The key to it all is BELIEVING IN YOURSELF.  I know that can be hard sometimes but you can do it. You have to tell yourself that you are worth it… you do deserve your health.

If you are struggling and need some inspiration contact me and sign up for me to be your FREE Beachbody coach. Together we can achieve anything.
